Support the Keeton Family’s IVF Journey

Keizer, OR (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Support the Keeton Family’s IVF Journey

by Lindsay Keeton

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,050.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,050.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Keizer, OR (US)

Lindsay Keeton is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

For those who do or don’t know us, we are Derek and Lindsay Keeton from Salem, OR. We are a happily married couple of two years, together for seven. We love gaming and spending time with our cats.

Recently, we have been trying, unsuccessfully, to grow our family only to discover that both I and my husband have diagnosed infertility issues that will greatly lower our odds of a successful traditional pregnancy. I have been diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve and have difficulty ovulating and responding to medication. My husband Derek was also diagnosed with low sperm count/testosterone. This news has been devastating to us as we have always dreamed of growing our family.

In November of 2022, we suffered a miscarriage at 6 weeks. This experience was even more traumatic and terrifying as we both fear that this miscarriage may have been our only chance to have a child.

Please help us realize our dream of our rainbow baby. We both want nothing more than a child to love as our own. We have both fantasized of having a little girl to play with, love, teach, and grow into her own person (and keep our kitten entertained for us). Any help, support, or encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

  • 11-26-2023

    6 month update

    Over the past 6 months we have received several donations from some very generous friends and family, and want to offer an update for those who have asked on where we are at in the process.

    We have now met with 3 separate fertility clinics who have all placed us on waiting lists to start IVF. This was very disheartening and somewhat expensive, but that being said, we recently met with OHSU after first being placed on their waitlist in March of this year. OHSU has given us excellent instructions and a more concrete timeline to start our treatment. We are going in for further labs and ultrasound and starting their recommended supplement and dietary regimen (Lindsay has to take over 10 a day! A literal handful of pills).

    We are excited to have some new progress and movement on this and OHSU has informed us that we could be starting IVF in January or February of 2024. They have some excellent financing options available that will hopefully allow us to have more than one shot at this if needed. We are posting once again to provide you all with an update and are not asking anyone to provide assistance, especially if it is not financially feasible for you, however, if anyone feels so inclined you are always more than welcome to donate or share words of encouragement. Your help and support has been so appreciated throughout this process so far. We wish you all a happy holiday season.

    -Lindsay and Derek-

Name Donation Date
Karen Burkhart $100.00 November 27, 2023
Ellen Stranges $25.00 October 14, 2023
Elaine Price $25.00 October 07, 2023
Richard Cutrell $100.00 June 08, 2023
Carla Lorimor $200.00 May 21, 2023
Ellen Stranges $50.00 May 21, 2023
Karen Burkhart $250.00 May 16, 2023
Martha Joyce Nancarrow $50.00 May 12, 2023
Elaine Price $50.00 May 12, 2023
Ellianne Smith $30.00 May 12, 2023
Anna-Lynn Sandfield $50.00 May 12, 2023
Shanelle Henry $20.00 May 12, 2023
Adrienne Lorimor-Case $100.00 May 12, 2023